Technical Blog

JavaScript and The DOM

An analogy to describe the differences between HTML and CSS

Let's imagine your body is a “web page”. Your skeleton, what holds you together is like the HTML of a web page. It is the backbone to every website you see, it provides the structure on each page.

The CSS is like how tall you are or your hair colour! It is the stylistic features on a web page. It makes the page look pretty, or makes it look good on a mobile device!

Think of CSS like the presentation to a document, just like how you present yourself by wearing nice clothes/jewelry etc..

Explain control flow and loops using an example process from everyday life, for example 'waking up' or 'brushing your teeth'. (But not those ones).

The ‘control flow’ is the order in which something is done. For example you have to open your car door before you can get inside your car and then you have to turn your key before you can drive. In code, statements are executed just like this, line by line, from the first line to the last line.

A ‘loop’ is a repeating sequence of events. In programming we use loops to repeat an instruction until a condition has been met. For example: it's 6am in the morning and your alarm starts to go off, that alarm will continue to beep and beep until you press snooze or stop.

The alarm is repeating its beeping sound until it gets the instruction to stop.
We use loops in code to eliminate the workload in terms of programming and for a faster execution.

Describe what the DOM is and an example of how you might interact with it.

The DOM stands for the Document Object Model, and it is what your browser displays in a web document. To quote Kirupa:

“It is basically a collision of HTML, CSS and JavaScript working together to create what gets shown”

The DOM is made up of a whole bunch of things that we call “nodes”. Nodes are essentially elements, text, comments and other bits and pieces.

There are many many ways to interact with the DOM so I will just talk about a few: In JavaScript we can ‘capture’ clicks and keyboard button presses on our webpage.
What I mean by this is that any time someone clicks the mouse or presses the space key or any key we can fire an event in our code and make these interactions do something! We call these ‘events’ because they trigger an action to happen. The most common ones are ‘click’, ‘mouseenter’ and ‘keyup’.

So anytime someone clicks a button on the webpage we can fire an event and do something like submit a form, or maybe enlarge an image! These are interactions explicitly happening to the DOM.

Explain the difference between accessing data from arrays and objects.

In JavaScript we have arrays and objects.
Arrays are essentially a stored sequence of values. They are written between square brackets and separated by commas. Eg:

let myNewArray = [10, 34, 56, 78];

To access a value in an array you can refer to what's called the ‘index number’. The Index number refers to the position of the value. Array indexes start with 0. [0] is the first element. [1] is the second element. So [0] (position 1) would be equal to…… 10! and [1] (position 2) would be equal to…. 34!

Objects are collections of properties. Objects in JavaScript are just like objects in real life. For example your desk has the properties of a colour, a size, a material, a price etc. JavaScript objects have properties which define what they are. Eg:

Let myMonitor = {make: “AOC”, price: “$180”, size: “24”};

The values in objects are written as key:value pairs (name and value separated by a colon). So, key: ‘make’ and value: ‘AOC’.
To access a property in an object we can use two methods, one:

objectName.propertyName - so using our example from above, that would look like this:

myMonitor.make - which is equal to ‘AOC’!

The other way is to write the key name in square brackets, like this:

objectName["propertyName"] - so again using our example it would look like:

myMonitor[“price”] - which is equal to ‘$180’!

As you can see Arrays and Objects may look quite similar at first but there are different ways to ‘pull’ the data out from them!

Explain what functions are and why they are useful.

A function is a ‘block’ of code that is made to perform a specific task.

They are very useful because they provide structure to code and they help to reduce repetition. Just like how an essay is broken up into subtopics to talk about a specific thing, code is broken up into functions to do specific actions.