JavaScript Problem Solving

Problem Solving

Tell your non-tech friend a story about a time you got blocked on a simple problem

The problem was to remove all of the bees from a string of words. For example if the string was:

"Help! buzz I'm buzz buzz surrounded buzz by buzz buzz bees!!"

We needed to remove all of the variations of “buzz” from the sentence. The output should look like this:

"Help! I'm surrounded by bees!!”

I thought that was easy enough, I will just split the string into words and filter out the ‘buzz’. The thing that caught me was that buzz could be spelt like: “buzz”, “Buzz”, “BUzZ” “bizz” and so on…

I ended up writing a very big line of code to account for all the variations of buzz.. It looked something like this:

Str !== “Buzz” && str !== “buzz” && str !== “BuzZ” && str !== “BUZZ” …. Etc etc..

This is saying “word does not equal Buzz AND word does not equal buzz AND ….

That did the job but it could definitely be refactored into a more simple and elegant solution.

Solved a problem in an elegant way.

To solve the problem I had to think about how I could make all the variations of casing into one. After quite a bit of googling I hit a match. Luckily in JavaScript there is a method that can convert a word into lowercase letters.


And well now my code looked like this..

word.toLowerCase() !== "buzz"

Convert all the words to lowercase and filter out buzz! Much nicer solution.

Even though my first solution did pass the tests, I felt much more satisfied with the shorter and more concise second solution. I learned that there is usually always another way to solve a problem, and refactoring code is a skill in itself.

Reflect on how confident you feel using the problem solving techniques and process:


I’m not very confident using pseudocode for problem solving. I may write some pseudocode but then never read it while I am trying to solve a problem. However I do like having pseudocode for when I come back to look at my again after a break/time off. It saves me from reading through all the code to remember what it does.

Trying something

I often try very random approaches just to see what the outcome is. Usually it fails, but if it seems interesting or useful I will probably do more research on that approach. Then I might go down a rabbit hole and end up having to go back to step 1.

Rubber ducky method

I have yet to use the rubber ducky method. I keep telling myself to try it, but I always forget. I’m really interested in trying it the next time I come across a difficult problem.

Reading error messages

I skim read the error messages, the big red text is not very user friendly to look at so I don’t spend much time reading them.


I’m quite confident in console logging various parts of my code. I usually put them in everywhere I can, especially when it comes to scope and accessing variables. Sometimes the execution context can get very confusing so the console helps to show me what is happening.


I’ve been trying to improve my googling skills when it comes to coding related problems. Sometimes there can be so many solutions to a problem and it can get very daunting seeing the google results, however it is a great tool to help with everything.

Asking your peers for help

Getting peer to peer help is one of the most effective methods in problem solving for me. Communication is an amazing ability we have as humans, and it should be used as much as possible.

I haven't had to ask anyone for help yet. However I have looked at my peers' code on their blog sites and it always fascinates me on everyone's creative approaches in coding and design. I expect to be asking for a lot of help in the coming weeks.

Asking coaches for help

I’m confident in asking for help from my coaches when the time comes. They have years of insight into development and have probably come across the same problems as me before.

Improving your process with reflection

I have really been enjoying the reflection process, I want to continue it throughout my life. I find the act of making me think about what I did is really helping me to solidify my learning.